After having completed the course “Commercial Management I”, “Commercial Management II allows students to go deep into the ensemble of strategic and operating tools that organisations and companies employ to undertake marketing actions.
With both a theoretical and practical approach, the students will:
· Understand how companies use marketing tools (product, price, distribution and comunication) to address their markets successfully, trying to adequately satisfy consumer needs while applying the new concepts and approaches that are being implemented in the business world;
· Be equipped to think and act as an effective specialists in this field of knowledge regarding the product, price, distribution and comunication in an uncertain, complex and changing environment.
To provide the student with marketing-mix concepts, with the following specific objectives:
O1: identify the correct product policy depending on the company’s environment;
O2: fix a price depending on the different internal and external factors;
O3: identify the ideal distribution circuit and optimize the sales point;
O4: choose and design comunication campaigns depending on the budget and the target of the company.
· Reference manual
The teaching support is included in the book: “Fundamentals of Marketing”.
Miguel Santesmases, Mª Jesús Merino, Joaquín Sánchez i Teresa Pintado.
Ediciones Pirámide, Madrid, 2009-2011
· Articles, notes and exercises provided by the professor
In-person lectures
The concepts, tools and methods of Commercial Management II will be discussed during the lectures, to be illustrated with concrete examples. The structure of the sessions will enable students to clarify doubts through a bidirectional discussion. The in-person lectures will provide an orientation on how to study and to analyse a business issue, and how to solve concrete cases.
In-person individual tutorials
In case of doubts on the teaching materials, the face-to-face or online student will be able to request from the professor an in-person individual tutorial. No group tutorials will be provided. The tutorial date and time will be agreed upon by e-mail between the student and the professor
Concerning continuous assessment, the student will have 2 options.
In order to choose between the 2 options of the continuous assessment, the student will have to actively take part in the “ACTIVITIES” suggested by the professor on the virtual campus (with at least one participation/addition/answer for each ACTIVITY). The professor will inform through the virtual campus of the deadline for uploading his/her answer.
Option 1 => 4 assignments + 4 in-person exams*
Includes 4 online assignments that will have to be delivered on the virtual class, which average (QV) will constitute the global qualification of the assignments, and 4 in-person exams (1 exam per unit), the average (QP) thereof will provide the global qualification of the in-person exams of the continuous assessment.
QV (of the assignment) will represent 30% of the final grade of the course and QP (the exams) 70%. Therefore, the global qualification will be: QV * 0,3 + QP * 0,7
With the following conditions:
QP>= 4 and
QV does not penalize the student as far as the final grade is concerned. Should that QV penalize the student, Option 2 will be automatically applied.
Option 2 => 4 in-person exams*
Includes 4 in-person exams (one exam per unit), the average (QP) thereof will constitute the final qualification of the course.
Whether option 1 or 2 is chosen, in order to pass the course through the continuous assessment (QAC), the student must attain a global qualification of at least 5.
*Mainly, in person continuous assessment exams will consist in a multiple-choice test without wrong answers penalisation. In order to reduce the chances to pass the exam by guessing, students will be required to achieve a 60% grade. The final result will be then converted into a 1-10 scale.
The student can choose the final evaluation option at the beginning of the course.
Furthermore, the student that has not passed the course through the continuous assessment will be given the opportunity to take an in-person final exam (FE).
In order to apply for the final exam, the student will have to actively take part in the “ACTIVITIES” suggested by the professor on the virtual campus ( with at least one participation/addition/answer for each ACTIVITY). The professor will inform through the virtual campus of the deadline for uploading his/her answer.
In order to pass the course, the student must have a global qualification (QAF) of at least 5.
In relation to the final evaluation, the student will also have 2 options:
Option1 => 4 assignments (QV) + 1 in-person final exam (FE)
The 4 assignments of the continuous assessment (one per unit) will only count if the average benefits the student:
On the condition that FE >=4
Option 2 => 1 in-person final exam
This will be a written final exam, transversal case-study type that will constitute 100% of the final grade.
“Fundamentals of Marketing”.
Miguel Santesmases, Mª Jesús Merino, Joaquín Sánchez i Teresa Pintado.
Ediciones Pirámide, Madrid, 2009-2011
Students’ e-mails will be answered within two working days.
The continuous assessment exams and the final exam are personal and in-person. Their resolution is strictly individual and in-person.
Every missed exam and/or assignment delivery will be rated as 0/10. In-person exams will not be repeated. No assignment will be accepted past the deadline date.
1. Products, Services and Brand Management
1.1. The Concept and Type of Products
1.2. Product Life Cycle
1.3. Product Quality Management
1.4. Brand Management
1.5. The Brand Porfolio of a Company
2. Price Strategies
2.1. Concept and Importance of Price
2.2. Pricing Conditioning
2.3. Methods Based on External Factors
2.4. Methods Based on Internal Factors
2.5. Pricing Strategies
3. Distribution and Channel Management
3.1. The Concept and Functions of Commercial Distribution
3.2. The Distribution Channel
3.3. Strategic Sales Management
3.4. The ECR
3.5. Merchandising
3.6. Manufacturer’s Distribution Strategies
4. Communication Management
4.1. The Concept and Process of Communication
4.2. Communication-mix
4.3. Integrated Communication and Communication 360º
4.4. Marketing and New Technologies