In the subject Computer Tools I, the student learns the use of basic office IT standard tools (Text processing, spreadsheet and Database).
This subject expects to incorporate the study of broadcasting information tools, currently needed, and useful concepts for any company such as team work, and Internet/Intranet.
Similarly to other Bachelor subjects, these subjects allow a degree of flexibility in the curriculum because they allow to incorporate updates in the sector's state of current affairs in such a changing world as tools and new technologies in computing.
These subjects usually have a strong practical component in order to achieve one of its main objectives: study and making small projects or works that support other most specific subjects in this degree.
These competences are specified in the following objectives:
• Knowing the basic concepts of multimedia systems
• Knowing the basic concepts of graphic design by computer.
• Understanding how content managers work
• Knowing how to discover, evaluate and criticize the different tools used
• Knowing the concepts of team work
• Knowing the basic elements to be able to publish and host content on the Web
• Identifying SEO analysis tools to apply them
• A theoretical part where the different concepts are explained.
• A theoretical-practical part where the concepts acquired through the study of tools are put into practice.
• Sometimes, methodologies oriented to problem-based learning (PBL)
• Sometimes, we reserve an initial part of practices for possible questions, resolution of doubts, and follow-up of the projects.
• The student must periodically access to the subject on the UdA Intranet in order to see the latest posts, news, results, etc.
• The intranet will be the place of submission of practices / activities in the continuous evaluation.
Vocabulary used:
CA: On-site Continuous Assessment: This is about test exams related to theoretical concepts.
VT: Virtual Task: They are practical statements to submit on the indicated dates.
CATV: Practical assessment: They allow to validate the grade obtained in each VT (example CATV2 validate VT2). Keep the grade of the related VT if student pass CATV, or change the grade of VT to 0 if he/she fails.
• In this mode, the student does the virtual work, submits it by its deadline, and taking the four theoretical-practical exams marked in the calendar during the semester.
• The final grade is FG = CA * 35% + VT * 65%.
• If the student fails continuous assessment, he/she can have a second chance in the final evaluation (next section)
• In this mode, the student does the virtual work, submits it by its deadline, and can validate the TVs or on the dates marked in the semester calendar, or all at once on the dates marked in the final exams calendar.
• Students must take the final exam.
• The final grade is FG = FinalEx * 35% + TV * 65%.
• Documentation provided by the teaching staff
• Quarter, July F (2011). Acreditació de competències en TIC Nivell 3 avançat (2nd ed 2015). Tarragona: Publicacions Altaria S.L
• Zoe Plasencia López (2009), Fotografia digital ed 2009, Madrid ANAYA MULTIMEDIA
• Juan Félix Mateos Borrado (2008), Edición de medios digitales con software libre, Madrid ANAYA MULTIMEDIA
• Juan Enrique Herrerías Rey (2008), El PC, Hardware y componentes, Ed 2008, Madrid ANAYA MULTIMEDIA
• Rafael Moreno (2009), Vídeo digital ed 2009, Madrid ANAYA MULTIMEDIA
•Jorge Morell Ramos. Teletreball: Quan el treball deixa de ser a un lloc (Treball elaborat pel Departament de Cibersocietat de la fundació iBit)
• Telefonica I+D Trabajar y vivir la red Teletrabajo
• Guitert, M. Giménez, F. El trabajo en equipo: desarrollo metodológico. UOC
• JALA International :
• El llibre blanc del teletreball en Espanya :
• Reial decret llei 3/2012, de 10 de febrer, de mesures urgents per a la reforma del mercat laboral :
• Important notes:
To pass the subject, Final Grade > = 5.
Virtual work submitted out of time will be graded with a 0.
A student who does not validate a virtual task will obtain 0 in that task, otherwise, validate the obtained mark.
1. Multimedia and Basic Concepts
1.1. Basic Concepts
1.2. Introduction to Multimedia and Graphic Design
1.3. Image Processing
1.4. Audio
1.5. Video
1.6. Augmented and Virtual Reality, Internet of Things (IoT)
2. Team-work
2.1. Introduction to Collaborative Work
2.2. Teleworking
2.3. Project Management
3. Publication and Broadcasting
3.1. Publication of Contents
3.2. Content Manager Systems (CMS)
4. Online Marketing Communication Tools
4.1. Web Interactivity
4.2. Search Engine Positioning
4.3. Web Analytics